5 reasons to choose for wooden construction blocks
Let’s be honest; A toy is the ideal present for kids of all ages.. But what toy, and there are so much toys to choose from in specilaty shops are large toy shops and the webstores such as amazon, bol.com offer even a wider range of toys then the normal mortar n brick shops ..
Wooden toyshave been around for centuries,but since the20th century,plastic toyinvadedour society. Let’s start andpromote again forwooden toys!Why? Here under we describefive reasons to optforwooden toys.
1.Wooden Toys are ecologically
The “basic ingredients”tomanufacturerwooden toys?Wood,glue, screwsandanywater-based paint.For plastic toyisthis is a total different story.Not to mentionthe production process of thisplasticstoys orthe use of lead-containingpaints andthe like.Apart fromthe health effectsonchildren, there are, of course, the environmental impacts of plastics such as PVC. So is there on an annual basis no less than 100,000 kilo and 20000 kilo lead-free mercury in our environment. In addition,PVC isabsolutelynot biodegradable.It isrecyclable but it cannot be vanished.
Rubber tree
Wooden toys will be usedfor years, and they also areproduced in a sustainable manner.Witha beautiful piece ofwooden toysyou will givea treea secondlife.A good example of this is therubber tree.Whenthe rubber treeabout 15 yearsold,thisstopsproducing rubber.Wherethisrubber treeswereburnedin the past, they are nowcut downtowooden toys. This way will prevent annually about 600,000 hectares of natural tropical forest is cut down. Hapebambootoyis made out ofbamboobya privateconstructed and maintainedbamboo forest.Beyondreplantproducersof wooden toysa lot offorestsso asto maintainthe balance.
Lucotoys is also a leaderin creating newmaterials and processes.In addition to rubber wood Luco toys used eco friendly lacquer and recycled carboard for their packing materials
This results inbeautiful eco- packaging!
2.Wooden Toys are durable
Another great advantage of wooden toysistheir durability.There whereyour own childplays withthe woodentrain set it;s grand father, plastics or rubbertoys, ends upsoon in the trash can.
Just think of theplasticfire truckwithdeafeningsirenyouchildat the fair won.Or the beachsetthatat most a holidaylife.Good qualitywooden toysis indestructibleand @life” for generations.Therefore schools and nurseries opt for wooden toys.Wooden toy blocks are more expensive than plastic toys, however toys made of wood have an endless lifetime.
wooden block toys
3.WoodenToysstimulatethe imaginationof yourchild
Plastictoys are in numerous variations and have thebrightestcolors, they are often equipped withlight andsoundIt’s idealto get theattentionof yourchild and to sometimes to irritate the parents.
Initselfthere is nothing wrong with plasticstoybut youfind thatyour childtherequicklyonlooking forward.Learnsomethingorlogical,because thecreativitywillappealto thesetoysusually don’t.Woodentoys issimpler.Itopens thedoor toaboundlessimaginationand stimulatescreativity.
Wooden toysasks what‘ work ‘.It isnot a toywhereyou hit abuttonandhearon whichletter of the alphabetyouhavejustpushed.Your childmustpush, pull, twisting whatleadstoan active mind.Wooden toysalso promotes theplay togetherof parents andchildren.Thereis moreincentive toplay.
4.Wooden Toys are safe
We all wantour childrentoplay, but toys should beremain safe.That is also whywe choose for wooden toys.In the productionof plastic toys somettimesharmful substances can be find.Alsotheingestionof small pieces of plasticcan be a health hazard for small kids.And we all know howoftensmall childrensomething in theirmouths. So thinktwice beforeyoubuyplasticbaby andchildren’s products.Wooden toys contain noplastics orother toxins.They are made fromnatural materialssomuch safer foryour child.
5.Wooden Toys are of timeless design
Blocks, arocking horse,a woodenbike,apushtoy.
You know these classics without any doubtfrom your ownchildhood. These are the kind oftoys thatwe all played long well.Andour parents.Andour grandparents.Ina time ofhigh-techgadgetskeep kidsstillbuild, rocking anddrive away.Might beonyourold rocking horse?Creepin the attic ofGrandma and Grandpa&golooking forwoodentreasures!Toysthatis passedfrom generation togenerationhasthat little bitextra.And thenwe cometoour nextpoint: sustainability.