Playing with Luco is fun and easy for kids and adults: Each 65 pieces colored building block sets has 22 planks , 13 crosses, 12 wide H blocks and the long H blocks.
All blocks can fit in the long H gaps. So also 2 or more long H blocks can fit into each other. In thsi way you can make a chain…
The cross blocks can be fit in the H blocks but also into the wide H block. In this way you create angular sections in your building or construction.
The plank is a real “connector ” and can connect the long H blocks , but also the small H blocks. Create also different angled sections using the wideness of the plank into the wide H- brick.
One of the most usefull connections are the wide H with the long H. This can be done in many different ways..and will be illustrated hereunder.
Of course Luco wooden blocks can also be stacked just as other games ( think of Kapla, Bblock or the Keva planks), however we advise to connect the bricks..WHY ? ; well you can keep your creation for a while or forever and if your little sis or brother is practicing to walk around , he or she cannot demolish your creation! Donnot forget to make a selfie with your new creation and send to our email box! [email protected]
Needless to say : connecting Luco bricks don not require any screws, nuts or glue! Each block can be stacked or connected to other blocks.
First of all the Luco Team didnot give any examples as kids have to use their creativitiy and fantasy to build and construct, but still kids , teacher and parents needs to be inspired. so on these pages you can find some nice building and animal examples.
Do you have another possibility of connecting our bricks? let us know via [email protected]